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    QGIS 2.12 Release: Focus on Customization

    QGIS 2.12 Lyon has been released and focuses on customization based on user preferences and improvements for more efficient workflows. For a quick overview of changes head over to the Visual Change Log:http://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/visualchangelog212/index.html Project Management After...
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    QGIS and FOSS GIS Wishlist for 2016

    Happy holidays! I am certainly thankful for QGIS this year as it showed significant improvements to its capabilities and the user experience. Many other free and open source GIS projects also improved including a major update of GRASS GIS and gvSIG graduating from incubation. In addition...
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    Video: Open GIS Data Portals

    Open GIS data portals are becoming more common, and can contain lots of geospatial data, but is it a case of too much of a good thing? What is a Portal? An internet site providing access or links to other sites. In the case of open GIS data, the file may appear on the same page, link out to...
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    Looking at Weather Maps and Data for Winter Storm Jonas

    Previously, I've written about Being Weather Ready: The Open Source Way and Weather GIS, Data, and Viewers. I would probably stop blogging about the weather if there weren't bigger storms each year. Family, friends, and coworkers often ask me what the weather will be like or get confused about...
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    Spatial Analysis with GeoDa: Part I - Introduction

    GeoDa (https://geodacenter.asu.edu/software) is a free and open source cross-platform program for exploratory (spatial) data analysis or EDA/ESDA and maximum likelihood spatial regression. It has been downloaded nearly 150,000 times and is available on Windows, OS X, and Linux. ASU's GeoDa...
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    Spatial Analysis with GeoDa: Part II - Importing Data and Tools

    GeoDa opens as a "floating bar" which you will find nice as you do analysis and realize multiple linked windows can be arranged. The maps and graphs are interactive, as I'll show in later posts, show selecting features in one window will highlight the same parts in other windows. When I...
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    The Last Post...

    After some soul searching, I've decided to stop writing regular blog posts. It has been my pleasure to help out people interested in doing spatial things...and for free! The GIS world is large, diverse, friendly, and super smart! I've enjoyed getting to know what other people are working on...
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    Healthcare worker deaths in the US from novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Created a quick app based on news reports: https://jontheepi.shinyapps.io/hcwcoronavirus/. Eight-related deaths so far. I hope not to have to update this. Healthcare workers will make up a disproportionate percent of cases and possibly also fatalities. The app was created using R...
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    Healthcare Worker Deaths from Coronavirus (COVID-19): Update - 71 deaths, CDC Study

    As of 4/15, 71 healthcare workers have died of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the US. Updated numbers at: https://jontheepi.shinyapps.io/hcwcoronavirus/. Roughly half of deaths occurred among Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants Median age = 56 years old, range 20 - 75 years old Most have...
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    National Geodetic Survey Online Toolkit

    The National Geodetic Survey has a set of links online conversion utilities for performing some basic geodetic conversions, including: High-accuracy state plane coordinate system (SPCS) conversions UTM/USNG/geographic coordinate conversions Magnetic declination Surface gravity prediction...
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    Real-Time Crowdsourced Mapping With Crowdmap

    I first heard about the crowdmapping platform Ushahidi a few years ago; it’s an open-source app/platform that can collect/collate geotagged data in real-time from mobile observers, or delayed reports over the web. The data can then be mapped, viewed on a timeline, and analyzed. One significant...
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    LightSquared And The FCC – Still Doing Their Best To Destroy GPS

    Back in February, I had a long post about the FCC’s conditional approval of LightSquared’s wireless broadband proposal. This waiver was vigorously opposed by the GPS industry because tests by Garmin showed that it would seriously disrupt GPS in areas where it was implemented. Read the post for a...
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    Free Tools For Garmin Custom Garmin Vector Maps XIX: TypWiz, The Best TYP File Editor

    I’ve done a long series of posts on this site about various tools you can use for creating custom vector maps for Garmin GPS units, one of the most powerful features for these models (even if Garmin itself doesn’t directly support it). One especially powerful feature is the capability to create...
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    Earth Survey Plugin: NGS Benchmarks, PLSS Data, USGS Quad Data And More

    A while back, I posted about a free web app from Metzger and Willard that shows National Geodetic Survey control points (benchmarks) near a specific area, and lets you view data for those landmarks. I’ve just noticed that they’ve created a newer web app called the Earth Survey Plugin, running in...
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    Geodetic Tools For Google Earth

    Two weeks ago, I posted about a web app from Metzger and Willard that offers useful info like PLSS data and a topo quad index in a Google Earth plugin interface. Poking around their site further, turns out they have a page called Earth Survey, a set of KML network links that installs those...
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    Portable Version Of The Open Source GIS gvSIG

    gvSIG is a full-featured open source GIS program, written in Java; I’d go so far as to call it one of the two leading open source GIS programs currently available (Quantum GIS is the other). Version 1.11 was released recently, with standard installers available for both Windows and Linux (and a...
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    3D Textured Models From 2D Photos With PhotoFly

    Note: PhotoFly is now 123D Catch; click here for the main product page. A few years ago, Microsoft make a big splash with Photosynth, a program that analyzes 2D photos of an area, computes their relative orientation, and lets you view them in a quasi-3D environment. Here’s a live Photosynth of...
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    Making Maps: A Visual Guide to Map Design For GIS – A Review Of The Second Edition

    So I mentioned to a friend that I had just received a review copy of the new second edition of Making Maps by John Krygier and Denis Wood, and she exclaimed, “Oh, our university GIS department loves that book!”. No surprise – since its publication in 2006, the first edition has a become a staple...
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    Back Soon

    Been a long field season this year, which has kept me away from this site. Not over yet – still have one more session left, running through the end of next week. Then I’ll be back home, and hope to get this site cranking again soon. Related posts: Stormpulse Putting Time Data Into A KML File...
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    كتاب الجيومورفلوجيا التطبيقية علم أشكال الأرض التطبيقي

    كتاب الجيومورفلوجيا التطبيقية : محتويات الكتاب الجيومورفلوجيا والتحري الموقعي الجيومورفلوجيا التطبيقية الاستشعار عن بعد منظومة المعلومات الجغرافية التكوينات السطحية والتحث سطحية الصخور والتربة أنواع الصخور والخصائص الكيميائية والفزيائية الثمتيل الكرتوغرافي للطبقات الصخرية التربة...