نتائج البحث

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    عناصر المناخ

    العناصر المناخية: ـ عند دراسة أي مشروع معماري أو عمراني، يستلزم تجميع المعلومات اللازمة عن البيئة المحيطة بموقع المشروع، حيث دراسة التضاريس والجيولوجيا والتربة والمياه الجوفية، والنباتات والمخاطر الطبيعية من سيول، وفيضانات وزلازل، وعناصر المناخ المحلية، ودراسة اتجاهات الرؤية والمناظر الطبيعية...
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    المفاهيم الجغرافية

    ||~ مفهـوم الجـبـل والـتـل ~|| المقصود بالجبل هو المرتفع الذي يبرز فوق سطح الأرض لبعض مئات أو آلاف من الأمتار وتكون له جوانب شديدة النحدار.ويشترك التل مع الجبل في البروز وشدة انحدار الجوانب,ولكنه يكون عادة أقل منه ارتفاعاً,وقد لا يزيد ارتفاعه عن بضع عشرات من الأمتار ..ومع ذلك فإن لفظ (جبل)...
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    أشكال التضاريس

    السهول: هي أراضي مستوية السطح تقريبا لا يزيد ارتفاعها في الغالب عن 200 متر. وتنقسم إلى قسمين هما : أ – السهول الفيضية : تتواجد في مناطق وجود الأنهار مثل سهل نهر دجلة في العراق وسهل الفرات في العراق وسوريا ، وسهل نهر النيل في مصر والسودان. ب – السهول الساحلية : وتمتد في الوطن العربي موازية...
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    Repost: R's twitteR and Accessing the 1 Percent of Geotagged Tweet

    About 1 percent of all tweets are geotagged. Fortunately, most of these geotagged tweets fall into public stream data. Of course, this only applies to Twitter. The percent of geotagged media varies by social network source. For example, Instagram had up to 25% of photos geotagged by users in...
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    Atlasify Beta Released, Learn About Explicit Spatialization

    Explicit spatialization "'spatializes' or 'projects' any object into a pre-defined reference system such as a periodic table, map, or seating chart. It is being used for exploratory search of the web, specifically Wikipedia, and similar sources of information. Enter Atlasify, a collaboration...
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    Arches 3.0 Released for Heritage Inventory

    Developed jointly by the Getty Conservation Institute(GCI) and World Monuments Fund (WMF), Arches 3.0 (http://archesproject.org/) is an open-source based heritage inventory and management system. I wrote a short blog about Arches back in 2013, and lot has happened since then! Example of...
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    Mapping Photos with the Leaflet.Instagram Plugin

    About a month ago, I posted about accessing Twitter data via R. Now, I will cover accessing and mapping photos from Instagram using the Leaflet.Instagram plugin which can be found on github: https://github.com/turban/Leaflet.Instagram and Instagram API. If you want to skip ahead and see the...
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    QGIS vs. ArcGIS: Adding Magnetic Declination

    This is a QGIS vs. ArcGIS throwdown. It has been a while since I did the last one on kernel density and Thiessen polygons. Recently, I was looking over new QGIS plugins and one in particular caught my eye: the QGIS Magnetic Declination Plugin. Magnetic declination is simply the difference...
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    Book Review: PostGIS Essentials

    I decided to teach myself PostGIS/PostgreSQL. The other option was returning to GeoServer, which I started last summer, but I will leave the latter for the fall. After shopping around and reading reader reviews, I purchased PostGIS Essentials, April 2015 by Angel Marquez. I got a Kindle copy...
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    What to Expect in QGIS 2.10 Pisa

    With the next release of QGIS on the horizon, I downloaded the latest nightly build and looked through the visual change log to see what to expect. What I found is very exciting! If you have not looked at QGIS Visual Change Log, it is a quick way to see changes from release-to-release. It...
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    Tutorial: Side-by-Side Maps in QGIS Print Composer

    Step #1: Open New Print Composer QGIS print composer can be a bit daunting and confusing. It is equivalent to the Layout View in ArcGIS, where users can setup their map for printing and publication. One common task is to create side-by-side maps, to compare imagery, choropleth, or other types...
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    Making Maps with 'Google My Maps', Part I

    Google may be moving away from making software, like Google Earth desktop--the Pro version was made free--but they still have a few tricks up their sleeve. Recently, Google made a solid entry into the web publishing domain by giving users the tools to create more sophisticated online maps...
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    Making Maps with 'Google My Maps', Part II

    Now we will look at more features, performance, and wrap up with some strengths and limitations of My Maps. If you missed the first post, you can check it out here! Symbology/Icons Google includes a set of stock symbols that can be added to your map. Clicking on a category in a layer will...
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    Tips for Using LIDAR and LAStools in QGIS

    LIDAR is an important technology that is undergoing continuous and expansive growth and predicted to reach $1 billion by 2020. A recent report also describes ongoing developments in LIDAR in Europe. NOAA has a great one-hour Introduction to LIDAR that I recommend checking out...
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    Video: A Quick Introduction to Free and Open Source GIS

    My first video has been posted to YouTube. It briefly covers the landscape of free and open source GIS (FOSS GIS), remote sensing and processing, a few related tools, and JavaScript libraries for creating online interactive webmaps. It does not cover every program out there but gives new and...
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    Video: Free and Open Source GIS Reference Data

    After last week's post looking at the landscape of free and open source GIS software, the next logical step is looking at open GIS data. This video looks at reference data. I am still deciding on what to do the next video on...the choices are a) Open data portals, b) novel data types, social...
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    Video: Tips for Using QGIS Print Composer

    QGIS Print Composer can be a little awkward to use at first. It is analogous to Layout View in ArcGIS. We will look at some tips to make it easier to use and understand how to create maps in QGIS. In the video, we will review a map of 2012 Presidential Election Results, as seen below. In...
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    Video: QGIS Print Composer - Side-by-Side Maps and Atlas

    QGIS has a powerful print composer that allows users to create complex maps very quickly. Two common practical examples include creating: 1) side-by-side (or multiple maps) on the same canvas/layout and 2) a map book or atlas. This week's video looks at these cases: . In the video, we will...
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    Book Review: An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping

    I decided to talk a walk on the wild-side and examined R as a GIS for spatial analysis. I hope to use several of R's spatial statistics packages and to automate tasks--staying within one program. I highly recommend Brunsdon and Comber's book ($50 on Amazon, Paperback, electronic versions also...