Call output files in temporary directory through Processing Toolbox (python)

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I need to create temporary files as intermediate output to be used with processing algorithms. So, I implemented this:

Processing.runalgorithm("", ........, None)This line creates the output in C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Temp\AppData\processing\"folder"\output.tif

In this temp directory, three folders are created.

Now, I need to run other algorithm:

Processing.runAlgorithm("saga...", input,....)The input of this is the output of the last algorithm, I am trying to access that but I can´t.

I try with system.getTempFilenameInTempFolder('output'+'.'+'tif'). But this line only access one of the three folders.

I research in, and try the code presented for qgis 2.6 (but didn't work):

##dem=raster##twi=outputret_slope = processing.runalg("saga:slopeaspectcurvature", dem, 0, None, None, None, None, None)ret_area = processing.runalg("saga:catchmentarea(mass-fluxmethod)", dem, 0, False, False, False, False, None, None, None, None, None)processing.runalg("saga:topographicwetnessindex(twi), ret_slope['SLOPE'], ret_area['AREA'], None, 1, 0, twi)What can I do to access the output?
