ArcREST Publishing Part 2 - SD Files

المشرف العام

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The easiest and quickest way to get data into AGOL/Portal is to publish from a service definition file, or SD file. SD files are compressed files using 7-zip. They contain all sorts of information about how your service behaves, what it's name is, the service's data, etc... It's a complete package or all in one file for publishing services.

You can automate the creation of service using Python or AO, but I am not going to dive into that topic. Instead I am going to show how you can easily publish the SD file using ArcREST to your site (AGS, AGOL or Portal).

This example is going to focus on solely the publishing of SD files to AGOL.

import arcrest
import json
import time
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = "someadminuser"
password = "reallysecurepassword"
sd_file = r"C:\temp\1\"
proxy_port = None
proxy_url = None

# Connect to the site
sh = arcrest.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler(username, password)
admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=sh,
content = admin.content

uc = content.usercontent(username)
ip = arcrest.manageorg.ItemParameter()
ip.title = "DemoPublishing"
ip.type = "Service Definition"
ip.tags = "SD, publishing, example"
ip.typeKeywords = "Data, Service, Service Definition"

res = uc.addItem(itemParameters=ip, filePath=sd_file)
itemId = res['id']
# Publish the SD File
resPublish = uc.publishItem(fileType="serviceDefinition",
publishParameters=None, itemId=itemId)
jobId = resPublish['services'][0]['jobId']
serviceItemId = resPublish['services'][0]['serviceItemId']
flUrl = resPublish['services'][0]['serviceurl']
status = uc.status(itemId=serviceItemId, jobId=jobId)
while status['status'].lower() == "processing":
status = uc.status(itemId=serviceItemId, jobId=jobId)
print 'service published.'
print 'Bonus Demo - update some additional properties on a feature service'
flAdmin = arcrest.agol.FeatureService(url=flUrl, securityHandler=sh).administration
# Bonus 1- Enable edits Only
updateDefinition = """{"hasStaticData":false,"capabilities":"Query,Editing,Create,Update,Delete","allowGeometryUpdates":true,"editorTrackingInfo":{"enableEditorTracking":false,"enableOwnershipAccessControl":false,"allowOthersToUpdate":true,"allowOthersToDelete":true}}"""
print flAdmin.updateDefinition(json_dict=json.loads(updateDefinition))
# Bonus 2- Enable edits with export data - adds 'Extract' to capabilities
updateDefinition2 = """{"hasStaticData":false,"capabilities":"Query,Editing,Create,Update,Delete,Extract","editorTrackingInfo":{"enableEditorTracking":false,"enableOwnershipAccessControl":false,"allowOthersToUpdate":true,"allowOthersToDelete":true}}"""
print flAdmin.updateDefinition(json_dict=json.loads(updateDefinition2))
# Bonus 3- Enable Sync on services - Adds 'Sync' to capabilities
updateDefinition3 = """{"hasStaticData":false,"capabilities":"Query,Editing,Create,Update,Delete,Sync,Extract","editorTrackingInfo":{"enableEditorTracking":false,"enableOwnershipAccessControl":false,"allowOthersToUpdate":true,"allowOthersToDelete":true}}"""
print flAdmin.updateDefinition(json_dict=json.loads(updateDefinition3))
# Bonus 4- Enable editor tracking on service - set enableEditorTracking = True
updateDefinition4 = """{"hasStaticData":false,"capabilities":"Query,Editing,Create,Update,Delete,Sync,Extract","editorTrackingInfo":{"enableEditorTracking":true,"enableOwnershipAccessControl":false,"allowOthersToUpdate":true,"allowOthersToDelete":true}}"""
print flAdmin.updateDefinition(json_dict=json.loads(updateDefinition4))
print 'finished!'

I added some additional information to the example here. The basic example ends at the print 'service published' part. The additional code below shows how to enable the editing, export data, sync or track edits. You can do this all in call, but I wanted to show how you enable each one at a time because you may only want to enable one function over another. Notice how I get the feature service URL from the publish() then I take that URL and create a Feature Service object from the agol.FeatureService Class. Since my user is an administrator and owner of the service, I can access the back end function to enable the additional properties. On the Feature Service class, there is a property called administration which takes you to the hostingservice.AdminFeatureService class which allows users to update the service definitions on a hosted feature service.

I threw a lot out there, and I hope it helps!

Previous posts on publishing:
Part 1 - Publish CSV files can be found here.
Copyright AJC
