Crack steps
1. Setup ArcGIS Desktop
2. Setup Arctutorial
3. install "license_server_setup\LMSetup.exe
4. I received the license by fax
5. Create
6. Edit
7. Open 37102011.efl9
8. Copy lines between (start_license & End_license) and paste it into the white window
9. OK
10. Next
11. Install
12. No. I'll restart my PC later
13. Finish
14. Copy all files from "license_server_crack\" to C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x
15. Copy K:\Arcgisus 9.3_Desktop\crak\ESRI.ArcGis.Desktop.v9.3.Crack.Only-TBE\data_interop\ fme_license.dat to C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x
16. Open ArcGIS\license manager tool
17. System setting
18. Copy the "computer name" to K:\Arcgisus 9.3_Desktop\crak\ESRI.ArcGis.Desktop.v9.3.Crack.Only-TBE\license_server_setup \license.lic
19. SaveAs to C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x
20. Config services
21. Browse the bath to license file C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x\ license.lic
22. Start stop reread
23. Yes
24. Start server
25. Desktop administrator
26. Software product
27. ArcInfo (floating)
28. License manager
29. Change
30. Copy the computer name
31. ok