نتائج البحث

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    Ships tracking Maps in Suez canal | Suez Canal blocked

    خرائط تتبع سفن قناة السويس كل دقيقة | خرائط الملاحة |قناة السويس Ships tracking Maps in Suez canal | Suez Canal blocked ادى تعطل سفينة في الممر المائي لقناة السويس الى تعطل الملاحة الدولية وحركة شحن السفن عبر قناة السويس وتلعب الخرائط اهمية قصوي في تتبع تلك السفن وايضا الظروف الجوية خلال رحلة...
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    قناة السويس | بالخرائط نجاح تعويم وجر السفينة العالقة في قناة السويس

    الف الف مبروك : تكللت جهود مصر بالنجاح وتم تعويم السفينة وجرها الي البحيرات المرة. https://youtu.be/qq3-sThELq4 https://youtu.be/qq3-sThELq4 =AZUV4DeUwdTbhEnIbsWdTaNLFC7DjNeGbtnwNWfuLgeE83Oo13huqUCcwUw1Vo3pTZElZfAFiisEBAUG2cCb06EFc6zIAVAEKi8V4z1A3jD52DnUGTR42gTAE3jllKDeNNo&__tn__=*NK-R']#gis_tv...
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    Arcgis Pro 2.5 download and installing 2021 | working life time| GIS

    Arcgis Pro 2.5 download and installing 2021 working life time 100x100 #Arcgispro#GIS#Abdelnasser_Rashashhttps://youtu.be/O_8JeSXoV4I Download link https://drive.google.com/file/d/13SYqOikHsP7_6V5SU8ECu6Xaa7i7s9Dr/view متابعة القراءة...
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    Google earth engine for GIS and RS | 1 - مميزات جوجل ايرث للاستشعار من...

    Google earth engine for GIS and RS 1 - مميزات جوجل ايرث للاستشعار من بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية مقدمة لدورة تعليمية: نستعرض احد اهم منصات تحليل بيانات الاستشعار من بعد والتي تقدم ميزات عديد وحلول برمجية سهلية للمستخدم #googelearth #جوجل_ايرث #GIS #ِA_Rashash #Abdelnasser_rashash...
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    convert and import coordinate from Excel to ArcGIS and google earth

    convert and import coordinate from Excel to ArcGIS and google earth تحويل احداثيات من الاكسيل الى نظم المعلومات الجغرافية Importing Excel Coordinates to ArcMap Importing excel data into ArcMap #Arcgis#rashash Join this channel to get access to perks...
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    QGIS Training شرج برنامج كيو جي اي اس - تحميل البرنامج

    QGIS Training -1 | 1 المحاضرة 1: شرج برنامج كيو جي اي اس - تحميل البرنامج احد اهم واشهر برامج نظم المعلومات الجغرافية مفتوحة المصدر غير التجارية والتي تعد الاختيار الامثل لتوفير الاموال موقع تحميل البرنامج احدث نسخة https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html#gis#Rashash#Qgis متابعة القراءة...
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    Exploring Timelapse in Google Earth

    Exploring Timelapse in Google Earth استكشف صور الاقمار الصناعية لتطور سطح الارص 40 سنة Exploring Timelapse in Google Earth google earth timelapse image صور اقمار صناعية بجودة عالية من جوجل ايرث متتابعة لمدة 40 سنة تظهر التتور التفصيلي لمعالم الارض...
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    GeoAI , machine learning, Deep learning . Dr . Mohamed Alkhuzamy Aziz

    https://esriis-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/omar9333_esri_com/EXtQX-8UqwpOnfIygEalApQBDBBpDgDfkzuGi-bjO6LErA?rtime=8BMR3fip2Ug متابعة القراءة...
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    Listing Installed Python Packages

    Here is a quick two liner bit of code to see what Python packages you have installed. I am running this from the command line. Here is the example: >>> import pip >>> print sorted(["%s==%s" % (i.key, i.version) for i in pip.get_installed_distributions()]) ['arcrest==2.0.100'...
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    ArcREST Publishing Part 2 - SD Files

    The easiest and quickest way to get data into AGOL/Portal is to publish from a service definition file, or SD file. SD files are compressed files using 7-zip. They contain all sorts of information about how your service behaves, what it's name is, the service's data, etc... It's a complete...
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    The Road Ahead for ArcREST

    If you are going to San Diego this year, you can see me in action presenting in the demo theater about ArcREST. I'm going to do some demos, talk about ArcREST basics, and discuss the road ahead. In turn you can ask questions and learn something new. Here are the details: 12:30 PM - 01:15 PM ...
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    UC 2015 and ArcREST

    The Esri User Conference has started with a flurry of great presentations on what ArcGIS Pro will bring. The first half of Monday's Plenary showed that 3D is here and not a niche market anymore. We live in a 3d world so it is only natural that GIS is moving in that direction. Pro is...
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    ArcREST Exciting Update

    The ArcREST team or people.. released v2 final and moved v3 to the main branch on the ArcREST github page. Why is this exciting? We we continue to take all the feedback we get, especially the comments found here: http://github.com/Esri/ArcREST/issues and improve the package. Some v3...
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    A Big Thank You And ArcREST Documentation Update!

    I want to thank everyone for attending my session. It was great to hear what you are doing, and what you want to do with ArcREST, as well as just meeting all of you. It was exciting to know that I was able to make your workday a little easier and hopefully you can REST a bit better knowing...
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    ArcREST (v3 beta) manageorg update

    On the current master branch, the ArcREST team is up to some good old fashion reworking in the hopes of making life a bit easier when working with portal and AGOL. In today's push (8/3/2015). The big update is the manageorg sub package is changed to make the user's content iterable. Let's...
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    Work with metadata check out hermes

    So you have to work with metadata? Or you love paperwork, or you just hate using the Python XML packages? Give hermes a try. It is named after And inspired by Hermes Conrad from Futurama. It is a simple set of tools to translate the Xml to a Python dictionary. Check it out here...
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    The Walking Metadata (hermes example)

    The hermes Python package was released (v1) last week, and now I'm going to show how to read the values instead a given metadata file from a feature class. import hermes if __name__ == "__main__": fc = r"c:\data_and_maps\usa\census\blkgrp.sdc\blkgrp" paperwork =...
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    ArcREST Help Documentation

    ArcREST finally has hosted documentation. Check it out here (http://esri.github.io/ArcREST/index.html)! Keep on coding. Copyright AJC أكثر...
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    Great Blog to Follow (Dan Patterson's GeoNet Blog)

    If you have used any ArcGIS software over the years, and asked a question on the Esri or GeoStackExchange Forums you have probably encountered Dan Patterson. He has a great blog, which is full of knowledge any programmer, cartographer or GIS analyst should know. I don't know the man, but I...
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    Extending Python 3.x (online resource)

    Who doesn't love C++/C, I sure do.... Here is a great guide to developing all your c/c++ extension here (https://docs.python.org/3.4/extending/). Happy Coding! Copyright AJC أكثر...