نتائج البحث

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    Unique Values from NumPy Array

    Here is a quick example of how to get a unique value list from a numpy array. from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np values = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['e', 'b', 'd'], ['a', 'b', 'c']] np_array = np.array(values) print (np.unique(np_array[:,1]...
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    Opendata Added to ArcREST

    I am very proud to say that the open data REST has been added to ArcREST. OpenData sites hosted on ArcGIS.com allow groups to share authoritative information to users with just a few clicks on their site. Here is a simple usage example: import arcrest url = "http://opendata.arcgis.com"...
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    10.4 is Released

    Check it out, 10.4 is here! enjoy Copyright AJC أكثر...
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    ArcREST 3.5.3 Help Now Online

    ArcREST help documents has been updated with the latest release last week! It can be found here. (http://esri.github.io/ArcREST/index.html) As always check out the project here: http://www.github/com/Esri/ArcREST Copyright AJC أكثر...
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    ArcREST is now on PyPi

    Installing ArcREST just got easier because you can use pip. It's easy as: pip install arcrest_package Enjoy to much fanfare. Copyright AJC أكثر...
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    Reading Spatial Data Into a Pandas Dataframe

    At 10.4.x scipy is included in your basic python install, which is great! Working with Pandas DataFrame can make life easy, especially if you need to do it quickly. import arcpy import pandas as pd import sys #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def...
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    More on Pandas Data Loading with ArcGIS (Another Example)

    Large datasets can be a major problem with systems that are running 32-bit Python because there is an upper limit on memory use: 2 GB. Most times programs fail before they even hit the 2 GB mark, but there it is. When working with large data that cannot fit into the 2 GB of RAM, how can we...
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    Panda Dataframe as a Process Tracker (postgres example)

    Sometimes you need to keep track of the number of rows processed for a given table. Let's assume you are working in postgres and you want want to do row by row operations to do some sort of data manipulation. Your user requires you to keep track of each row's changes and wants to know the...
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    Configuring Juypter Notebook Startup Folder

    By default when you install jupyter notebook (formally iPython), the product will point to Window's My Document folder. I find this to be less than optimal because My Documents can contain a mishmash of various documents. To change the start up directory, there is a run time option where you...
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    So long VBA and Thanks for all the Memories

    Microsoft has stopped providing fixes or troubleshooting for VB and VBA. Esri just announced the same in the 10.5 release. It's time to update that old code. Some options moving forwards for your old desktop applications are: .NET Python It IS time to re-evaluate the application and see...
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    Microsoft Compiler for Python 2.7

    Doesn't everyone hate this message: I sure do, and I solved it by downloading a helpful program from Microsoft! Don't believe me, just google it! Install Microsoft's compiler for Python 2.7 from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44266 and most of the pip installs...
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    ArcGIS API for Python

    Sorry for not posting folks, but I've been busy working on the ArcGIS API for Python. For those who don't know I wrote ArcREST with another colleague of mine, Mike. Since the announcement of the ArcGIS API for Python, we have decided to retire ArcREST, though if pull requests are submitted to...
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    Esri Developer Summit 2018

    See me live and in-person at the Esri DevSummit 2018! Tomato's optional. Like Pokemon, you gotta catch them all. Copyright AJC أكثر...
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    GIS 3015 – Cartographic Skills - Student Spotlight

    Module 4: Cartographic Design Module 4’s lab was the culmination of cartographic design content. Student’s learned about the Gestalt Principles of perceptual organization, focusing on the concepts of visual hierarchy, contrast, figure ground distinction, and map balance. The assignment...
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    GIS6005- Communicating GIS - Student Spotlight

    Module 3: Typography Communicating GIS is a course within our M.S. in Geographic Information Science Administration (GIS) degree plan. This course begins with the basic theory of graphic design, cartography, and map production and distribution. Students then learn to communicate specific types...
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    Student and Professional GIS Competitions

    The GIS industry is full of student and professional competition opportunities. Here are a few upcoming opportunities that we would like to share: Professional and Student: NWFL GIS User Group Digital Media Spring 2017 - Destin, FL Deadline April 18, 2017 Student: GIS-Pro 2017 Student...
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    GIS 3015 – Cartographic Skills - Student Spotlight

    Module 9: Flowline Mapping Module 9 required students to undertake Flow Line Mapping. Flow maps utilize lines of varying width to depict the movement of phenomena between geographic locations. Students utilized Adobe Illustrator to create a distributive flow map to illustrate global immigration...
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    GIS6005- Communicating GIS - Student Spotlight

    Module 6: Choropleth Maps During week 6, students explored choropleth mapping. This is the most widely used type of thematic map for quantitative data. Choropleth maps are used for normalized data - in contrast to proportional symbol maps which are used for total counts. Choropleth maps are also...
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    Summer is here!

    Summer is here and the GIS at UWF team has hit the ground running! Certificate program students have the option of enrolling in GIS Programming (GIS 4103/5103) and GIS Applications (GIS 4048/5100). Summer also marks the beginning of our graduate level certificate courses and a great time for...
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    GIS 4048 – GIS Applications - Student Spotlight

    Module 2: Lahars The first GIS application investigated in GIS 4048 is Natural Hazard planning and mitigation. For the lahars lab, students utilized DEMs and the Hydrology toolset found within the Spatial Analyst extension to determine potential drainage flow around Mt.Hood in a potential...