Tool for Calculating Remote Sensing Indices in Python

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
Hi all,

I'd like to share a tool I created to automate the calculation of spectral indices for remotely sensed imagery.

Currently, 22 spectral indices and the following sensors are supported:

Landsat 1-5 MSS
Landsat 4-5 TM
Landsat 7 ETM+
Landsat 8 OLI
MODIS Terra and Aqua

Just run the Python script (arcpy or GDAL) and use the GUI interface to select your sensor, indices to calculate, stacked image, and output directory.

I haven't shared the tool yet and thus it has not been extensively tested. My personal tests have worked fine, but be sure to validate your outputs just in case! Please let me know if you run into any issues or bugs. I'm happy to address any questions.

More detailed information and download here:
Remote Sensing Indices Derivation Tool

Happy remote sensing folks,
