تحميل كتاب Historical GIS Technologies, Methodologies, And Scholarship

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تحميل كتاب Historical GIS Technologies, Methodologies, And Scholarship


CONTENTS For The Book Historical GIS Technologies, Methodologies, And Scholarship


List of figures viii

List of tables xi

Acknowledgements xii

1 GIS and its role in historical research: an introduction 1

2 GIS: a framework for representing the Earth’s surface 21

3 Building historical GIS databases 41

4 Basic approaches to handling data in a historical GIS 63

5 Using GIS to visualise historical data 89

6 Time in historical GIS databases 119

7 Geographic Information Retrieval: historical geographic information

on the internet and in digital libraries 145

8 GIS and quantitative spatial analysis 161

9 From techniques to knowledge: historical GIS in practice 183

References 205

Index 222

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