نتائج البحث

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    طريقة رسم الهرم السكاني بكل سهولة

    اليكم إخواني الجغرافيون العرب ملف اكسل جاهز لرسم الهرم السكاني بكل بساطة ما عليك سوى وضح عدد الذكور والإناث فقط ملاحظة: الملف في المرفقات أكثر...
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    Plugin Sextante no Quantum GIS

    O Quantum GIS já tem boas capacidades de análise através da toolbox GRASS. Mas agora, viu as suas capacidades aumentarem por causa de um novo plugin que dá acesso aos geoalgorithms do Sextante. Com esta toolbox, QGIS tem acesso a + de 300 funções. Este plugin pode ser encontrado no instalador de...
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    Instalação do Método de Transformação Grelhas

    DLx D73 e.m.q. ( m ) 0.09 0.06 Máximo Abs. ( m ) 0.30 0.16 Instalação para ArcGIS 10.0 Links para download dos ficheiros de configuração do método de transformação: Ficheiro para a transformação de Datum Lisboa para PT-TM06/ETRS89: DLx_ETRS89_geo.gsb...
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    Plugins para o Quantum Gis

    Novos plugins e novos updates disponíveis no QGIS repository. Como instalar qualquer um destes plugins: Abra o instalador dos plugins Python: Plugins-> Fetch Python Plugins Verifique se o novo repositório oficial está na lista de plugins, clique na “tab” Repositórios. O URL é...
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    Instalação do PostgreSQL 9.0 + PostGIS 1.5.2

    Para instalar no Ubuntu são necessários os seguintes passos: apt-get install python-software-properties add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable add-apt-repository ppa:pitti/postgresql add-apt-repository ppa:pi-deb/gis apt-get update apt-get install postgresql-9.0-postgis...
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    Simbolos para mapas

    Hoje venho apresentar um projecto muito interessante, é o “The Noun Project“. Quantas vezes não nos deparamos com dificuldades em arranjar simbologia para os nossos mapas e aplicações, nessa minha pesquisa por novos simbolos cruzei-me com este projeto que tem como missão partilhar, celebrar e...
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    Elementos Fantasma em projetos QGIS

    O problema tem origem nos projetos (.qgs) salvos com a versão 2.10.x e depois abertos na versão 2.8.1 ou 2.8.2. Estes ficheiros de projeto muitas vezes contêm uma opção para especificar que não existem diagramas, esta opção é mal interpretada pelo QGIS <= 2.8.2. Na versão 2.8.3 esta situação...
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    كفاءة الخدمات الصحية في قضاء المدينة

    كفاءة الخدمات الصحية في قضاء المدينة جامعة ميسان- كلية التربية الأساسية-قسم الجغرافية م .د. محمد عرب نعمة الموسوي المستخلص تمثل الخدمات الصحية مؤشرا للتنمية البشرية ، لأنها ترتبط بالتنمية والتخطيط التنموي، وهي تشكل احد القطاعات الاجتماعية المهمة التي تسعى الدولة لتطويرها وتحقيق جودة منتجها...
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    مورفولوجية مدينة الجميل

    http://www.iasj.net/iasj?func=fulltext&aId=83894 أكثر...
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    المكتبة العربية الجغرافية

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    GIS Salary Survey Results

    We’re keeping the survey open through July 31st. If you haven’t already participated in the survey please take a few moments to do so and forward this to your colleagues. To date we have had 731 respondents. Here are some of the highlights: 40% of respondents list their job titles as either...
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    Fall GIS Training Schedule from GeoSpatial Training Services

    We’re looking forward to an exciting Fall schedule of web-based, instructor guided training as well as traditional face to face training. Here is our current schedule. Traditional face-to face training GIS Programming 101 for ArcGIS 10 Aug 23rd – 25th Duluth, GA – Keck & Wood Headquarters...
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    August Sale on Self-Paced GIS Training Bundles

    During the month of August you can save up to $100 on our self-paced GIS training bundles. Bundling our self-paced courses is an excellent way to obtain training in several different subjects while getting a great discount on registration fees. Our current selection of software training bundles...
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    3 New Courses from GeoSpatial Training Services

    GeoSpatial Training Services is excited to announce the release of 3 new courses including Introduction to Managing ArcSDE with SQL Server, Introduction to Web Development, and Introduction to ArcGIS Online. The first session of our newest instructor guided, Internet based Virtual GIS Classroom...
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    Free Course – Programming ArcObjects with VBA

    Although VBA is still available if needed at ArcGIS 10 it will not be supported at release 10.1. You can read more about this here and here. We’ve decided to go ahead and retire our Programming ArcObjects with VBA course and make it available free of charge as a self-paced course. I know...
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    Want to Build ArcGIS Server Applications without Programming?

    The ArcGIS Server Viewer for Flex provides an excellent framework for creating web GIS applications without the need for programming experience! Anyone can build attractive, functional web applications with just a little knowledge of how the ArcGIS Server Viewer can be controlled through the...
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    Final Day to Save on GIS Training Bundles

    During the month of August you can save up to $100 on our self-paced GIS training bundles. Bundling our self-paced courses is an excellent way to obtain training in several different subjects while getting a great discount on registration fees. Our current selection of software training bundles...
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    Special Offer on Python GIS Programming Bootcamp

    We’ve got a special offer for you this week only! When you purchase our self-paced GIS Programming 101 for ArcGIS 10: Mastering Python course we’ll send you a discount code for the Python GIS Programming Bootcamp course equal to the amount you spent for the course ($129). Offer good through...
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    Add Layers to ArcGIS Online from Zip,Text, and GPS Exchange Files

    ArcGIS Online has enabled the capability for you to add layers from a file such as a shapefile compressed into a zip file, delimited text file (.txt or .csv), or a GPS Exchange file (.gpx) when creating a map using the free online map viewer. This allows even more functionality and map creation...