نتائج البحث

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    New York City: GIS Measures and Field Observation

    This article maps out certain criteria that effect the lives of residents of New York, New York. The disparity the article focuses on is chronic disease related to lack of physical activity in poor neighborhoods of New York and non poor neighborhoods. It is true that the low-income...
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    A GIS-based spatial analysis on neighborhood effects and voter turn-out: a case study in College Station, Texas

    This article explores the relationship between the individual voter turn outs and the city district's voting outcomes. Particularly the authors who conducted the study wanted to answer their question on whether the neighborhood effect influences the individual voter turnout in local politics. It...
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    Voter Migration and the Geographic Sorting of the American Electorate

    This study shows that party ID voters relocate based on destination characteristics and constraints but also prefer to locate to destinations with people who share their political party’s ideology. While aiming to address the corresponding migration of individuals with locations that fit their...
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    Utilizing Python for Agent-based Modeling: The Mesa Framework

    In the past I have mentioned Mesa, an agent-based modeling framework in Python is several posts but not really discussed it in detail. This is about to change with this post. The reason being is that we have a paper at the forthcoming International Conference on Social Computing...
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    The Impact of Mandatory Remote Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    In the past we have written about using agent-based modeling to study human resources management issues and how workplace the layout might impact subordinates interactions with managers but with growing amounts data we can explore how employees communicate with each other. To this end, Talha Oz...
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    Integrating Social Networks into Large-scale Urban Simulations

    Building on past posts about our work with respect to generating large scale synthetic populations for agent-based models, we have a new paper entitled "Integrating Social Networks into Large-scale Urban Simulations for Disaster Responses" that was accepted at the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL...
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    Future Developments in Geographical Agent-Based Models: Challenges and Opportunities

    Its been a while since (to say the least), that we wrote a position paper about agent-based modeling. But with agent-based modeling becoming more widely accepted and the growth of machine learning within the geographical sciences we thought we would revisit some of the existing challenges...
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    Elections and Bots

    Continuing our work on bots, Ross Schuchard and myself have a new paper in PLOS ONE entitled "Insights into elections: An ensemble bot detection coverage framework applied to the 2018 U.S. midterm elections." Our motivation for the work came from the fact that during elections internet-based...
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    Models from Teaching CSS Fall 2019

    Avid readers of this blog (if there are any) may be familiar with my routine of combing end of semester projects into a short movie and blogging about it. Well its that time again. Last semester I gave a class entitled Introduction to Computational Social Science and instead of setting a final...
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    New Paper: Insights into Human-wildlife Interactions in Cities from Bird Sightings Recorded Online

    In the past we have explored how social media can be used to delineate earthquakes, locate wildfires or be used to understand urban morphology. However, recently we have also started to explore how social media and crowdsourced data can be utilized to to study socio-environmental systems...
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    Comparison of Emoji Use in Names, Profiles, and Tweets

    In most of our work to date with respect to exploring social media, we have only looked at the text or images from online social media platforms (e.g. Twitter and Flickr) and excluded emojis from the analysis. However, this has now changed with a new paper co-authored with Melanie Swartz...
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    The Interplay Between the Media and the Public in Mass Shootings

    Continuing our work on shootings we recently had a paper published in Criminology and Public Policy entitled: "Responses to Mass Shooting Events: The Interplay Between the Media and the Public." However, here we do not look at bots but instead explore the how the public responds to mass shooting...
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    Class Model Examples

    Avid readers of this blog (if there are any) might have noticed at the end of each semester I do a post pertaining to class models from the various courses I teach. This often involves a short movie of some of these models like the one below. Often I get asked about these models are, so...
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    A Simple Locational Model

    While there are many sophisticated urban growth and planning models (e.g. the SLEUTH model and UrbanSim), there are also many more theoretical ones which say explore the evolution of land markets. Take for example Alonso’s (1964) urban land market theory. In this theory firms or residents desire...
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    Exploring the Effects of Link Recommendations on Social Networks

    Most people today are actively engaged on at least one social networking site, enabling individuals to keep in touch with old friends, connect with new people, and rapidly disseminate information to all. The method by which users find and link up with others online is often assisted by...
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    Utilizing Agents To Explore Urban Shrinkage

    While more people are living in urban areas than ever before, and this is expected to grow in the coming decades, this growth is not equal. Some cities are actually shrinking, such as Detroit in the United States. The causes of urban shrinkage have been the source of much debate but can be...
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    A Semester of Spatial Agent-based Models

    So draws an end of another semester and as it is becoming a bit of tradition, here is a post highlighting some of the class projects from my graduate class entitled "Spatial Agent-based Models of Human-Environment Interactions". As with many of my courses, students were expected to complete a...
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    Crowdsourcing Street View Imagery: A Comparison of Mapillary and OpenStreetCam

    In the past we have written extensively on Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) such as OpenStreetMap or Twitter. However, we have not really explored Street View Imagery (SVI), well not until now. Within the realm of VGI, SVI has emerged in recent years as a novel and rich source of data...
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    Location-Based Social Simulation for Prescriptive Analytics of Disease Spread

    Building upon our previous work on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) and how agent-based modeling could provide an alternative to real world data sets, in the latest SIGSPATIAL Special Newsletter, we (Joon-Seok Kim, Hamdi Kavak, Chris Rouly, Hyunjee Jin, Dieter Pfoser, Carola Wenk, Andreas...
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    New Paper: A Thematic Similarity Network Approach for Analysis of Places Using VGI

    Building upon our work on volunteered geographical information (VGI) and ambient geographic information (AGI) and how such data (e.g. social media) can be used to understand place, Xiaoyi Yuan, Andreas Züfle and myself have a new paper entitled: "A Thematic Similarity Network Approach for...