نتائج البحث

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    Top Free GIS Data Sources Best Global Raster and Vector Datasets

    1 Natural Earth Data Natural Earth Data is first on the list because it does an amazing job to suit the needs of cartographers. All the key cultural and physical vector GIS datasets are at a global scale. The raster datasets also provide beautiful hillshade relief basemaps for your map. The best...
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    Learn to write code for free in any GIS programming language part 1

    GIS Programming in Applications – Python, C++, .NET, C# Python has been a standard language in GIS because Esri and open source tend to gravitate toward it. Of all GIS programming languages, many consider it to be the front-runner. In addition to Python, C++, C# and .NET languages exist in GIS...
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    GIS Web Development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript part2

    Web Development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript Web development is all the buzz these days. …And the GIS industry is no exception as it is gravitating more these days to web mapping development. Starting with the basics, HTML gives a structure to web pages like this one. HTML is the markup language...
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    GIS Make Your Webpages Interactive with JavaScript part3

    JavaScript is run in a browser. It manipulates the behavior of your web-based content. HTML, CSS and JavaScript all work together to create dynamic web content. Again, the assumption is starting at zero. These 3 courses deliver a good base in JavaScript: Introduction to JavaScript (KhanAcademy)...
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    GIS Build Sophisticated Webmaps using Leaflet, OpenLayers and More part4

    Build Sophisticated Webmaps using Leaflet, OpenLayers and More Rich web maps can use open-source JavaScript libraries like Leaflet.js to really bring them to life: Example of Leaflet Map JavaScript libraries are code someone else has written to make life easier for the rest of us. This is the...
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    GIS Databases – SQL and UML part5

    Databases – SQL and UML Almost all modern database systems (DBMS) can use SQL. A big part of GIS is database entry, editing and maintenance. SQL queries, inputs and deletions can all fine-tune your data. You should be familiar with SQL and be able to perform SELECT, INSERT, MODIFY and DELETE...
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    GIS R Spatial part6

    R Spatial Statisticians and data miners use R for open statistical software development and analysis. What you may not have known is that it’s already being adopted in GIS. This is because R can visualize and analyze spatial data. It places emphasis on statistics, but it can do both. It’s not a...
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    GIS Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Part7

    GIS Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a must-have skill for a GIS programmer. OOP is about maintaining code as objects and reusing code through instantiation. You can apply OOP in conjunction with your programming language of choice. Most GIS development is...
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    GIS and big data advanced analytics using Hadoop

    GIS and big data advanced analytics using HadoopWhat is Big Data? Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. But it’s not the amount of data that’s important. It’s what organizations do with the...
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    Python For ArcGIS by Laura Tateosian

    Python For ArcGIS by Laura Tateosian This is one of the most useful books i have ever read about python and GIS Laura find here way to help users understand Programming concept in easy way with funny Examples and Likening Here we are after searching find this link in Google Books Not Full...
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    Magnetic north pole changing and how effect on Navigation and GIS

    Magnetic north pole changing and how effect on Navigation and GIS Scientists were set to release a new World Magnetic Model after accelerating changes in earth's magnetic field, but the US government shutdown has stopped them for now. Navigation as we know it could be in jeopardy. The World...
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    Asteroid suddenly shows off tail and NASA warn us

    an asteroid apocalypse is coming There were some alarming headlines floating around over the weekend about how NASA has revealed a sure sign that would indicate the apocalypse is coming. This heart-pounding warning traces back to a video released on Jan. 10 from educational YouTube channel Big...
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    Breaking News: UK Gov Vote, What if Government Lose Confidence ?

    Breaking News: UK Gov Vote, What if Government Lose Confidence ? Today, the market is shaping up to be another dramatic day as the UK government is likely to hold a government confidence voting during the London session. Members of Parliament will hold voting to express confidence in PM May’s...
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    Mexico HIT by major 6.6 magnitude earthquake

    Mexico HIT by major 6.6 magnitude earthquake The earthquake hit near the coast of Chiapas, close to the border with Guatemala. The quake was also felt in Mexico city where high-rise buildings shook. The epicenter of the quake hit at a depth of 42 miles (68 km) near the Pacific coast and Mexico's...
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    Map a network drive (Windows) and create a folder connection in ArcMap

    Map a network drive (Windows) and create a folder connection in ArcMap The WUSTL GIS Data Library is also known as "gispublic" and serves as the repository for all spatial data available to the WUSTL community.To access data on "gispublic," your computer must be connected or "mapped" to the...
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    Importing an Excel spreadsheet in ArcMap

    Importing an Excel spreadsheet in ArcMap When attempting to add a sheet from an Excel workbook (.xls or .xlsx) to ArcMap, the following error may appear: "Failed to Connect to Database - Class Not Registered" This issue stems from Microsoft Office drivers that may or may not be installed on your...
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    Get the latest #Dorian forecast AND imagery from NOAA's National Hurricane Center

    Get the latest #Dorian forecast AND imagery from NOAA's National Hurricane Center https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/#dorian متابعة القراءة...
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    Dorian Hurricane Tracking Live

    Dorian Hurricane Tracking Live https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/inundationdb/storm/Dorian.html متابعة القراءة...
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    Management • 2024 • Software • 2025 • Managed Print Services

    Trend Keywards for 2019 and 2020 in Management • 2024 • Software • 2025 • Managed Print Services Top Queries social media management software team management متابعة القراءة...
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    Glastonbury Festival 2020 - 2021 See Tickets

    Glastonbury Festival 2020 -2021 See Tickets How to get tickets and how much they cost You must be registered to get a ticket, but registration is now closed. Each ticket costs £265 per person, plus a £5 booking fee. People will be asked to pay a £50 deposit per ticket when booking...