WPS Client implementation in our desktop

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
How to implement wps client in our system and also specify requirements needed?
How to specify the proxy to the

OpenLayers.ProxyHost = 'proxy.cgi?url=';

var map, client, intersect, buffer;function init() {map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', { allOverlays: true, center: [114, 16], zoom: 4, layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector()]});var features = [new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT( 'LINESTRING(117 22,112 18,118 13, 115 8)'))];var geometry = OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT( 'POLYGON((110 20,120 20,120 10,110 10,110 20),(112 17,118 18,118 16,112 15,112 17))');map.baseLayer.addFeatures(features);map.baseLayer.addFeatures([new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry)]);client = new OpenLayers.WPSClient({ servers: { opengeo: 'http://demo.opengeo.org/geoserver/wps' }});// Create a process and configure itintersect = client.getProcess('opengeo', 'JTS:intersection'); intersect.configure({ // spatial input can be a feature or a geometry or an array of // features or geometries inputs: { a: features, b: geometry }});// Create another process which chains the previous one and execute itbuffer = client.getProcess('opengeo', 'JTS:buffer');buffer.execute({ inputs: { geom: intersect.output(), distance: 1 }, success: function(outputs) { // outputs.result is a feature or an array of features for spatial // processes. map.baseLayer.addFeatures(outputs.result); }});// Instead of creating a process and executing it, we could call execute on// the client directly if we are only dealing with a single process:/*client.execute({ server: "opengeo", process: "JTS:intersection", // spatial input can be a feature or a geometry or an array of // features or geometries inputs: { a: features, b: geometry }, success: function(outputs) { // outputs.result is a feature or an array of features for spatial // processes. map.baseLayer.addFeatures(outputs.result); }});*/}
