Would it be possible to use geohash for proximity searches?

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I'm looking to optimize point proximity geo searches time.

My input is lat,lng point and I'm searching on a precomputed set of locations to n nearest points.

I don't care how much time/space the building of the precomputed index of locations will take but I do care the queries will be super fast.

I'm thinking about using geohash as the search key, where I would first check if I get results for X chars of the key and then continue to trim down chars from the end of the key until I start to see results.

To my (very sparse for now) understanding of geo index techniques this approach should be able to produce the fastest results (in terms of query time) compared to all other known implementations (such as R Tree and co.)

// this post should probablly be tagged: geohash, hilbert-curve, research
