WMSGetFeatureInfo Not Returning Results

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I am having a problem getting the results back from a WMSGetFeatureInfo call to my GeoServer. Using OpenLayers 2.12, GeoServer 2.4.0, Windows Server2008, and Microsoft IIS 7.5 with Application Request Routing Cache and URL Rewrite. I do NOT use a proxy because I use URL Rewrite. The URL Rewrite takes my incoming requests and formats them to avoid the cross domain/same origin problem.

I have been successfully querying WFS data using this setup for 2 years but when I try to use the WMSGetFeatureInfo it fails.

Here is my process:

1) I serve multiple WMS layers from GeoServer to my web page.

2) The user selects a WMS layer from a dropdown. This sets the variable "selLayer" so my WMSGetFeatureInfo call is pointing at the layer the user wants to get information about.

3) When the user clicks on the layer it fires this code which creates a OpenLayers WMSGetFeatureInfo control with an event listener that should accept the return text & xmlHttp request and display them in a div. :

var infoControl = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({ url: 'http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/geoserver/wms', title: 'Identify features by clicking', layers: [selLayer], queryVisible: true, //eventListeners: { getfeatureinfo: function (event) { alert("TEXT: " + event.text + ", XY: " + event.xy + ", REQUEST" + event.request + ", FEATURES: " + event.features); } } eventListeners: { getfeatureinfo: function (event) { document.getElementById("divAttributes").innerHTML = event.text + "Test Text"; alert("PUT TEXT HERE!!!"); } } }); map.addControl(infoControl); infoControl.activate();But, when the script runs I do not get return values for the event.text. When I run this in FireFox (with FireBug) I can copy the GetFeatureInfo request into a new browser window and I get the desired return values.

So my question is: Why am I not getting the return values when I run this on my map webpage but I do get results by posting the request into a new browser window.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
