WMS render geotiff as a small image

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My Geoserver 2.2.4 was stop working suddenly so i made a backup of Dir folder and install Geoserver 2.3.5 and replaced workspace folder with new one.

Now all shapefiles is rendering correctly but Geotiff image is not render accurately it render as a small image on zero zoom level.

I am unable to understand the issue because it was working fine with previous version

I am using openlayers tu call wms i.e

geotiff = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("geotiff image", url + "wms?", { LAYERS: "Sindh:" + featureType + "_geotiff", transparent: true }, { isBaseLayer: false, singleTile: true } ); map.addLayers([geotiff]); I thought it was projection issue my Geotiff image have EPSG:32642 projection and i change its declare projection into EPSG:4326 but still issue is not resolved.
