Why aren't my features appearing in ArcGIS.com?

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I have an ArcGIS Online web-map that is consuming one feature service published to my ArcGIS Server. I am able to see the the table, and associated rows, but the features do not appear nor am I able to zoom to layer. When I attempt to zoom to the layer, only gray tiles appear.

Things that I have tried; overwriting the service, projecting with WKID 10021 from 4326, re-importing the feature class, re-saving MXD.

What could be the cause of this mysterious behaivor?

The features that I am attempting to use in ArcGIS.com are created via a numpyarraytofeature class script where the spatial references that I have tried are 4326 and 10021, I don't see this as important as the feature class appears correctly in ArcMap.
