Which Writer do I need for PDF Documents in FME 2014?

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I have successfully used the ImageFetcher transformer to download many images from a URL by using a JPG writer. Now I want to do this with PDF Documents, but have the problem that the Adobe 3D PDF writer and Adobe Geospatial PDF don´t write the outputs to a file.Here is the log. How can I use the HTTPfetcher to download pdf documents?

f_39(CreationFactory): Created 1 featuresf_40(TeeFactory): Cloned 1 input feature(s) into 0 output feature(s)MULTI_WRITER: multi_writer_id `1': Started outputting featuresTrying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for writer named `PDF2D'Loaded module 'PDF2D' from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FME\plugins/pdf/pdf.dll'FME API version of module 'PDF2D' matches current internal version (3.7 20140327)FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system setFME API version of module 'PDF2D' matches current internal version (3.7 20140327)Writer `PDF2D_1' of type `PDF2D' using group definition keyword `PDF2D_1_DEF'FME API version of module 'PDF2D' matches current internal version (3.7 20140327)Could not open output file for writing. Please verify that the file is not open in other applications or that the file is not read-onlyA fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Feature output statistics for `PDF2D' writer using keyword `PDF2D_1':=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Features Written=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==============================================================================Total Features Written 0=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for detailsA fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for detailsFME Session Duration: 51.7 seconds. (CPU: 3.3s user, 0.3s system)END - ProcessID: 8464, peak process memory usage: 103668 kB, current process memory usage: 103252 kBA fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for detailsProgram TerminatingTranslation FAILED.
