Where should we have the 6th Annual SARGIS Meeting?

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
We need a Search and Rescue Team to help us host our 6th Annual Search and Rescue GIS Meeting.

Ideally it would be at a location that:
  • Has a networked computer lab with +20 computers for MapSAR / IGT4SAR training (A University Campus or Training Center)
  • A meeting room with projector, high speed internet, and room for +30 people
  • Accessible by airport and public transportation
  • Tent camping nearby
  • Within 30 miles of a microbrewery & a National Park site
This map should help (zoom in to your area of interest for more local intel)

View Larger Map

I can help organize the event, but need someone to take care of on-site logistics. For example, helping the IT department at a University setup computers for training (install software, test tutorials, etc).
We could also consider finding a sponsor for the event once we know where it will be.

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I think this year we will open up the event to a webcast for more events so those of you who cannot make it can still attend.

Here is the agenda from last year.

Here are results as of 01/27/2014.

This is based on 100 votes so far. I will leave the survey open until Friday - but it is looking like two locations will be needed, joined via web cast.
