When Versioning with ArcSDE can posted edits be cancelled or rejected?

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I am using ArcGIS 9.3.1 and attempting to work with an SDE geodatabase (with one polygon feature class) that has already been registered as versioned. I'm new to versioning and am still trying to figure out some of it's basic functions. So far, I haven't been able to discover if it is possible to "cancel" or "reject" certain edits once they've been posted to a parent version.

For example, let's say we have three versions: the original SDE.DEFAULT that was created when it was registered as versioned, a child version of the default called SDE.QA (for Quality Assurance), and a child version of the QA called SDE.Edit1 (where the edits first take place). If certain features of SDE.Edit1 were edited (e.g., to keep it simple, let's say one polygon was added and one was removed) and then SDE.Edit1 was reconciled with the SDE.QA and subsequently posted to SDE.QA, would there be any way to later undo this change? Following up on this question, would it possible to reject only some changes? For example, accepting adding the first poly, but rejecting removing the second poly?

As far as I can tell, once edits have been posted to the parent version, all these changes are now a "permanent" (for lack of a better word) part of the parent version. I am aware of the fact that these changes are all recorded within two tables, the "ADD" and "DELETE" tables (often referred to as the "delta" tables), and don't actually change the original FC itself. I considered looking into manually altering these delta tables, but I found enough people warning against that to know that it's likely not the right solution.

Perhaps it is my understanding of versioning that needs some work, but I couldn't seem to find a way to reject a change or undo a change once it's been posted. This seems strange to me, as this would mean that there is no way to undo a post which contained an error. I also can't seem to find a way to trace the lineage of these versions (i.e., which version is the child of which parent). While I'm on the topic, if anyone might know of any particularly useful ArcSDE references (links, articles, books, etc) that might help with my understanding of ArcSDE (and perhaps answer some of these questions), it would be much appreciated!

** UPDATE **

Although answers so far have been helpful (thank you for the links), I still cannot find an answer to the core of my question. Again, perhaps it is my own misunderstanding of the situation. Here is what I want to know:

Can you reverse (by reverse, I mean undo) a post once it has been made from a child version to a parent version? In this scenario, the parent can be, but doesn't have to be, the SDE.DEFAULT version. Even better, I would like to know if you can reverse a part of a post (say, a single edit to a polygon), after it has been posted? I would also like to know if this can be done without the need to have had any conflicts detected.

The fact that I can't find a clear answer to this question (i.e., "yes" or "no") documented anywhere makes me think I am missing something important about versioning in the ArcSDE. I would also prefer to avoid manipulating the A and D tables manually.
