What's the correct link for adding GeoServer WFS to ArcMap?

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What is the correct URL to enter in ArcCatalog WFS Parameters when adding a WFS layer from GeoServer into ArcMap?

Here's a link to our Get Capabilities document:


I am using ArcMap 10.1 and experiencing the same problem described here. When I try to add WFS layers from GeoServer, "Feature Types" is blank. That post says it is a bug with 10.1. However, I added WFS from GeoServer not long ago, so I'm skeptical that the answer is to upgrade to 10.2. The only thing that changed was our GeoServer location. I was able to bring in WFS layers from http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/cgi-bin/mswfs_gmap?version=1.0.0&request=getcapabilities&service=wfs. Although that is not GeoServer, I previously had GeoServer WFS working fine.

Here's an image of one URL I tried (which was https:// weaveprod.ucdp.utah.edu/geoserver/sf/ows?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature? - remove space before weaveprod - I can't post over two links). No matter how I change it, no layers are coming up in feature types. There shouldn't be any problem with my WFS layers because I can preview them as WFS through GeoServer. I appreciate any input. Thank you!
