What software for direct editing of a DBF file?

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I am currently processing GPS log data from my holiday and need to add information to the points. I remember I used OpenOffice and later LibreOffice to directly edit the files but currently I am really upset because I always get a tiny DBF + huge DBT file instead of only one DBF. QGIS is then not able to load the shapefile correctly... :-(

Tried various software but no success. Even old OpenOffice 2.4 which I currently downloaded and ran using Wine does the same problem. Gnumeric is not able to save the table, Sdbf probably does not support UTF-8...

My reason for manual attribute editing is that I cannot comfortably edit them in QGIS - it was much easier for example to mark beginning and ending point and than copy the atributes in spreadsheet...

Have no idea why it is not possible yet. Tried win machine with newest LibreOffice and unfortunately the same problem.

any ideas?

