What is a good, small GPS data logger that stores accuracy information?

المشرف العام

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I'm looking for a small GPS data logger for geotagging photos, and I've had trouble finding one that meets my requirements:

  1. Small, key-fob size would be ideal.

    I will be carrying it around on my person for days at a time.

  2. Good battery life (16 hours per charge and/or on-the-go USB charging or replaceable batteries)

    I can't be fussing with it or stopping to charge during the day.

  3. Records accuracy information (HDOP, VDOP, PDOP, satellites in view, etc)

    I want to be able automatically filter out bad data during post-processing.

I've been able to find plenty of units that meet requirements 1 & 2 (see below), but 3 seems like more of a specialist thing and I have had a hard time finding information about what supports it.

I've already tried two loggers, but they've had issues:

Holux M-241: Runs on (high quality) Alkaline AAs, but you need to change them every few hours or it gets flaky (often resulting in data corruption).

Canmore GP-102+: Nice form factor and very good battery life. However, some of the tracks it recorded had really inaccurate sections (probably when the signal was poor) and I had to spend a lot of time editing out the nonsense by hand.
