Because of its many Desktop-like features, the WebOffice html Client is the first choice of many professional users ever since. For these users, there is a number of feature highlights available with this Service Pack:Support of output type "table" for GeoProcessing Services
The result of a GP-Service can now be returned to a WebOffice 10.2 project as a table - and thus visualized in html Client. The table is displayed similar to a search-result and can be exported to Excel if wanted.
GP Result as table - Click to enlarge
Support for Reverse Geocoding with the "Identify"-Tool
When defined, this will hand over coordinates of an Identify-klick to the Esri World GeoLocator Service - and return an address. Reverse Geocoding when using "Identify"- Click to enlarge
Implemented Categories with Print templates and Filters
This feature allows to better structure filters by assigning them to categories that will be visible in the TOC.
Filter categories in WebOffice html Client - Click to enlarge
Categories for print templates
A list of template categories defines with templates are displayed. This allows better and more intuitive structures within the templates available to the end-user.
Print-Template categories in WebOffice html Client - Click to enlarge
Return a candidate list as a result of a Geolocator-Search
Sice 3.0 (= December 2013) the Geolocator-Endpoint-URL supports querying a candidate list. This is now implemented in WebOffice.
Geolocator Search-result candidate list in WebOffice html Client - Click to enlarge
Other enhancements ... The map widget now supports neighborhood-search and buffer analysis
After a query has been processed, the context menu now offers the use of the buffer-Tool. The buffer can be generated on the selected features and repeated even on the previous buffer.
Buffer analysis in WebOffice map widget - Click to enlarge
Select/Search for neighboring features in map widget
WebOffice map widget now supports a neighborhood search along a fixed distance.
This can be useful i.e. when neighboring parcels need to be found and visualized.
Neighborhood Search in WebOffice map widget, this view shows the testcontainer - Click to enlarge
LandingPage now implemented with extended features
A Landing-Page allows you to configure project selection and access to WebOffice 10.2 projects in a fashionable way. Your corporate identity will be reflected, as well as project access and other content (Social media like twitter and facebook), news from rss-feeds and others.
Initial view of Landing-Page – with extensive configuration options - Click to enlarge
A full list of all features highlighting the new features of this release can be found in the functionality matrix of WebOffice 10.2 SP2.
The result of a GP-Service can now be returned to a WebOffice 10.2 project as a table - and thus visualized in html Client. The table is displayed similar to a search-result and can be exported to Excel if wanted.
Support for Reverse Geocoding with the "Identify"-Tool
When defined, this will hand over coordinates of an Identify-klick to the Esri World GeoLocator Service - and return an address. Reverse Geocoding when using "Identify"- Click to enlarge
Implemented Categories with Print templates and Filters
This feature allows to better structure filters by assigning them to categories that will be visible in the TOC.
Categories for print templates
A list of template categories defines with templates are displayed. This allows better and more intuitive structures within the templates available to the end-user.
Return a candidate list as a result of a Geolocator-Search
Sice 3.0 (= December 2013) the Geolocator-Endpoint-URL supports querying a candidate list. This is now implemented in WebOffice.
Other enhancements ... The map widget now supports neighborhood-search and buffer analysis
After a query has been processed, the context menu now offers the use of the buffer-Tool. The buffer can be generated on the selected features and repeated even on the previous buffer.
Select/Search for neighboring features in map widget
WebOffice map widget now supports a neighborhood search along a fixed distance.
This can be useful i.e. when neighboring parcels need to be found and visualized.
LandingPage now implemented with extended features
A Landing-Page allows you to configure project selection and access to WebOffice 10.2 projects in a fashionable way. Your corporate identity will be reflected, as well as project access and other content (Social media like twitter and facebook), news from rss-feeds and others.
A full list of all features highlighting the new features of this release can be found in the functionality matrix of WebOffice 10.2 SP2.