I am working with a data set of area restrictions imposed by criminal courts. These restrictions ban a person form entering a demarcated area. These restrictions vary in their size, shape, and location. I would like to describe and ideally visualize variability in the size and shape of these restrictions.
My hypothesis is that area restrictions for so called incohate offenses(public order and drug related offenses, so called "victimless crime") will have much greater variability in their size and shape compared to other offenses.
My hypothesis is that area restrictions for so called incohate offenses(public order and drug related offenses, so called "victimless crime") will have much greater variability in their size and shape compared to other offenses.
- Does anyone know if there is some kind of standardized statistical measure of similarity in a set of polygons in terms of their shape?
- Would it be possible using PostgreSQL to modify all restrictions asssociated with a particular offense so that they would all share a common centroid? This would allow a visualization of the effect i am trying to describe.