In the past I have mentioned Mesa, an agent-based modeling framework in Python is several posts but not really discussed it in detail. This is about to change with this post. The reason being is that we have a paper at the forthcoming International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (or SBP-BRiMS for short) entitled "Utilizing Python for Agent-based Modeling: The Mesa Framework".
While Mesa started off with two students from the CSS program at George Mason University: Jackie Kazil and David Masad it has now grown to include over 70 contributors. In this new paper we discuss the rationale for developing Mesa (see which arose because there was no framework for easily building agent-based models in Python. Furthermore we discuss Mesa's design goals and its architecture and usage, along with who is using Mesa and extensions to it (e.g. Mesa-Geo, Multi-Level Mesa), finally we conclude the paper with future development directions. Below we provide the abstract to the paper and a selection of figures which highlights Mesa's model components (model, analysis and visualization), how various activation schedules are incorporated within Mesa and an illustration of how these different schemes impact a model and some examples of Mesa's visualization functionality. At the bottom of the post we have the full reference and a link to the paper.
While Mesa started off with two students from the CSS program at George Mason University: Jackie Kazil and David Masad it has now grown to include over 70 contributors. In this new paper we discuss the rationale for developing Mesa (see which arose because there was no framework for easily building agent-based models in Python. Furthermore we discuss Mesa's design goals and its architecture and usage, along with who is using Mesa and extensions to it (e.g. Mesa-Geo, Multi-Level Mesa), finally we conclude the paper with future development directions. Below we provide the abstract to the paper and a selection of figures which highlights Mesa's model components (model, analysis and visualization), how various activation schedules are incorporated within Mesa and an illustration of how these different schemes impact a model and some examples of Mesa's visualization functionality. At the bottom of the post we have the full reference and a link to the paper.
Mesa is an agent-based modeling framework written in Python. Originally started in 2013, it was created to be the go-to tool in for re-searchers wishing to build agent-based models with Python. Within this paper we present Mesa’s design goals, along with its underlying architecture. This includes its core components: 1) the model (Model, Agent, Schedule, and Space), 2) analysis (Data Collector and Batch Runner) and the visualization (Visualization Server and Visualization Browser Page). We then discuss how agent-based models can be created in Mesa. This is followed by a discussion of applications and extensions by other researchers to demonstrate how Mesa design is decoupled and extensible and thus creating the opportunity for a larger decentralized ecosystem of packages that people can share and reuse for their own needs. Finally, the paper concludes with a summary and discussion of future development areas for Mesa.
Keywords: Agent-based Modeling, Python, Framework, Complex Systems.
Activation schedules within Mesa and an illustration of how these different schemes impact a model. In this case the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Defecting agents are in red and cooperating agents are in blue. Each image is from the same step, but different activation schemes are used. |
Model visualization of two Mesa applications within a web browser: (A) Wolf-sheep predation Model. (B) Virus on a network (Source: |
Full Reference:
Kazil, J., Masad, D. and Crooks, A.T. (2020), Utilizing Python for Agent-based Modeling: The Mesa Framework, in Thomson, R., Bisgin, H., Dancy, C., Hyder, A. and Hussain, M. (eds), 2020 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC., pp. 308-317. (pdf)