I have successfully manage to make the workshop from of pgrouting (wrote for v1) with pgrouting v2. Now I want to use pgrouting 2 on my postgis database created with osm2pgsql.
The problem is first to create the segments and this blog post was very helpfull for this.However,I get:
gis=# select pgr_createTopology('network', 0.01, 'the_geom', 'gid');ERROR: We can not determine the srid of "network.the_geom"!Is there a way to set the srid properly so that pgr_createTopology finds it.Or is there an alternative way?I can't believe osm2pgrouting is the only importer for pgrouting.Thanks
The problem is first to create the segments and this blog post was very helpfull for this.However,I get:
gis=# select pgr_createTopology('network', 0.01, 'the_geom', 'gid');ERROR: We can not determine the srid of "network.the_geom"!Is there a way to set the srid properly so that pgr_createTopology finds it.Or is there an alternative way?I can't believe osm2pgrouting is the only importer for pgrouting.Thanks