Usage of 'in' in Python

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Can someone please tell me whats happening here. I'm still new to Python for ArcGIS and I really need to understand this piece of code for my project. How does dct_max work and how is tpl created? At first dct_max seems to me like an empty dictionary. Later its changed to a list? What does this line mean - if from_g in dct_max:. I cant find out what in does. Also the line tpl = dct_max[from_g] seems to create a list called tpl with a single item. Then how can there be any meaning to tpl[1]???

def main(): import arcpy arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # input fc fc = r"C:\Forum\Gemeinde\NRW_Gemeinde_SpatiaJoin.shp" fld_from = "GEN" fld_to = "GEN_1" fld_val = "Value" # output field (will be added to input fc) fld_out = "Gemeindes" # output fc fc_out = r"C:\Forum\Gemeinde\NRW_Gemeinde_diss01.shp" # detemine the max commutors per from gemeinde dct_max = {} with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, (fld_from, fld_to, fld_val)) as curs: for row in curs: from_g = row[0] to_g = row[1] val = row[2] # check that from_Gemeinde is not equal to to_Gemeinde if from_g != to_g: if from_g in dct_max: # check if value is higher tpl = dct_max[from_g] max_to_g = tpl[0] max_val = tpl[1] if val > max_val: # update entry in dct dct_max[from_g] = (to_g, val) else: # insert value dct_max[from_g] = (to_g, val)
