I have a polyline layer with road information such as the road it beings from and the road it ends at. Some of these are digitised incorrectly and I am trying to pull out the road name (or unique ID so I can look up road names later) of all roads that intersect a buffer of both the start and end node of the line.
For example:
The above highlighted polyline has two (including itself) sections intersecting the buffers at both the start and the end. Some will have >1 section (excluding itself) intersecting. Each polyline has a unique ID and I would like to update a field within the buffer to include all unique IDs intesecting it (followed by a unique character such as a "_" so I can later delimit it). Is this possible within MapInfo or ArcGIS?
For example:
The above highlighted polyline has two (including itself) sections intersecting the buffers at both the start and the end. Some will have >1 section (excluding itself) intersecting. Each polyline has a unique ID and I would like to update a field within the buffer to include all unique IDs intesecting it (followed by a unique character such as a "_" so I can later delimit it). Is this possible within MapInfo or ArcGIS?