Understand QGIS errors when importing .csv file

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I am trying to import a .csv file as a layer in QGIS and keep getting a number of errors that I don't understand. Is there any documentation of QGIS errors available? Or can you point me towards a description of what QGIS sees as a valid .csv file? To me, the file looks ok in different editors.

The errors I get are (translated into English, so maybe not exact):

x data sets discarded because of invalid formaty data sets discarded because of invalid geometric definitionsthe following lines were not loaded into QGIS because of errors:invalid sentence format in line xyz, invalid x or y fields in line yxz, ...there are zyx additional errors in the file.I tried to find help on the internet, but I did not succeed. Now I don't know where to start because there are so many errors. Any help is appreciated.

Some more information you may need: The problem exists in QGIS 2.0 (Dufour) and 2.8 (Wien). The errors look the same to me in both. I am trying to insert a .csv file that contains text, a time stamp, and lat and lon information.
