Truro-Bible Hill

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
As I commence this map let me first describe that the map is part of a series of maps part of an ongoing project of self development to enrich this participant to further the skills to utilize free source tools that are available and affordable in the moment of starting from scratch. The map of Truro is part of a series based on the creation of maps based on the tourist region of the Bay of Fundy focused from the MInas Basin side of Northern Nova Scotia all the south into the Annapolis Valley upto Brier Island of Digby County. With the map of Truro we are focused on twin towns which includes Bible Hill.

The area of Truro-Bible Hill borders at the border of Northern and Central Nova Scotia serving as the province of Nova Scotia's hub town at the northern fringe of Highway 102 which melts into the Trans Canada Highway 104, going west to New Brunswick, and east to Cape Breton. Colleges to hotels offer both educational and service opportunities for tourists and students looking for education in post secondary studies. Further information is available on these websites: and,_Nova_Scotia

Some maps have already posted which have differences compared to this map, a decision of some design changes were made to simplify the border form less complication and more efficiency as to streamline production to create what is needed, and simplification of the border to clean the surround and make it look nicer. Those maps presented under names on my facebook called Cumberland County, Amherst, Parrsboro, Cape Chignecto Provincial Park,, and Springhill will be revised both in the surround, and the graticle presented.

Truro-Bible Hill retains the WGS 84 Pseudo Mercator projection, however the grats have been changed to UTM coordinates. In addition Truro-Bible Hill also utilizes the shaded relief tool in QGIS where the other maps used a Hillshade overlay that used the transparency over the surface model as shaded relief. No other known design changes have been implemented at this time, though it is noted that where the final package of Inkscape, another open source package has some noted weaknesses that at times you might use two different line styles unless you have a very good memory.

The Software Packages: All Open Source


- QGIS for GIS processing

- Grass for the DEM work

- Inkscape for map production

The project is ongoing, non client, and a developmental exercise for the purpose of cartographical educational improvement. In theory enough maps should be produced to implement output enough for an atlas designed for the tourist industry. Research, and utilization through attainment of knowledge of the know where to find attractions, emergency services, food, and where to stay should make this project a worthy experience to take on, albeit slowly as there are other responsibilities that must be taken care off.

The following image is the sample of a map in jpg format due to the size of the PDF version over the limit of what is allowed on this site. Note the name of T_Toposheet_50000_1 is designed with the T in Truro, Toposheet in Topographic, and 50000 in scale.

Attached Thumbnails
