Trinidad & Tobago Data Upgrade

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طاقم الإدارة
Trinidad & Tobago (Surveys & Mapping Division) will soon complete high-resolution aerial mapping of the entire country, with imagery and elevation data being produced. Statements by the Hon. Minister of Land & Marine Resources and the Commissioner of State Lands have been reported indicating that "the data will form the fundamental datasets upon which the proposed National Spatial Data Infrastructure will be established". Further outcomes will include "elevation models, design of settlement layouts, planning of development and infrastructure like roads, development of flood-mitigation plans, disaster-management planning and assessing the quantity and quality of State Lands. The imagery and elevation data will be available to all public agencies for use in enabling the services they are required to provide." This will be fabulous for the development of Trinidad & Tobago.

P.S. With T&T's participation in UNISDR's Resilient Cities initiative, I wonder if this dataset will be made Open Data, as Hampshire UK recently did with its own similar dataset. Thanks GSDI.
