I would like to apply topographic correction using GRASS 7.0 (i.topo.corr). The imagery were already converted from DNs to Top-of-Atmosphere Radiances. When I apply the i.topo.corr command it runs normally without any error, but the result is a "white" image. I cannot see the bands, it seems that I am missing something. I applied topographic correction for Landat images from 1991 and 1979 and it worked perfectly using the same commands, but for Landsat image from 2003 and 2015 it does not work.
I'll explain what I did step by step.
The illumination model was created as follows:i.topo.corr -i --overwrite output=2003_111.84_SRTM_illum basemap=SRTM_1s_mosaic@PERMANENT zenith=54.56122270 azimuth=78.49871615 method=minnaert
After the illumination model is created, i used it to correct the desired bands of the image:i.topo.corr --overwrite input=13Jan2003_111.84_toar_B1@PERMANENT,13Jan2003_111.84_toar_B2@PERMANENT,13Jan2003_111.84_toar_B3@PERMANENT, output=tcor basemap=2003_111.84_SRTM_illum@PERMANENT zenith=54.56122270 azimuth=78.49871615 method=minnaert
Thanks for any help.
I'll explain what I did step by step.
The illumination model was created as follows:i.topo.corr -i --overwrite output=2003_111.84_SRTM_illum basemap=SRTM_1s_mosaic@PERMANENT zenith=54.56122270 azimuth=78.49871615 method=minnaert
After the illumination model is created, i used it to correct the desired bands of the image:i.topo.corr --overwrite input=13Jan2003_111.84_toar_B1@PERMANENT,13Jan2003_111.84_toar_B2@PERMANENT,13Jan2003_111.84_toar_B3@PERMANENT, output=tcor basemap=2003_111.84_SRTM_illum@PERMANENT zenith=54.56122270 azimuth=78.49871615 method=minnaert
Thanks for any help.