Time in postgresql [on hold]

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
This may seem like a very silly question, all my apologies for that, but I'll go for it anyway.

I have a excel document of ambulance interventions of approximately 65 000 lines. I imported it to PostGres after creating a shapefile in QGis.

I would be interested in seeing separetly the interventions that occured during the weekend and from monday to friday, so I can see if there are located in different areas of the city (I'm thinking business centers during the week, residential neighborhoods during the weekends).

I have the date of each of them as dd/mm/yy but not the day.

Is there any postgres function that can recognize the day of the week from a date ? If yes, could you refer me to some documentation ? And if not, has anyone ever delt with such a task ? I don't see myself checking 65,000 dates manually...
