I have a mapproxy tile cache with a directory structure illustrated by the following:
So it's zoom level 17, column x = 69905, row y = 20760, correct?
However, converting the lon/lat (about 12 E, 33 N) to x/y gives me x = 69905 and y = 52795
Level 17 should have 2^17 = 131072 tiles across and down, so the x number makes sense given the longitude from the origin of -180 degrees (we're in WebMercator).
As you can see, x looks good but why is my y at 20760? It shows up correctly placed in ArcMap.
So it's zoom level 17, column x = 69905, row y = 20760, correct?
However, converting the lon/lat (about 12 E, 33 N) to x/y gives me x = 69905 and y = 52795
Level 17 should have 2^17 = 131072 tiles across and down, so the x number makes sense given the longitude from the origin of -180 degrees (we're in WebMercator).
As you can see, x looks good but why is my y at 20760? It shows up correctly placed in ArcMap.