Switch an R script from "MODIS Reprojection Tool" to "ModisSwathTool"

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Switch an R script from "MODIS Reprojection Tool" to "ModisSwathTool"

This R script works with MRT (MODIS Reprojection Tool), and its performance is unbelievable for land data.

The only problem is when you use Atmospheric data from Modis, like "MOD05_L2".

The problem comes from here:

Such HDF files (Atmospheric data), only can open with "ModisSwathTool", but this R script is written to use "ModisTool" which can not open such HDF files.

Anyone here has experience to solve this problem? For example, change the R code within the R script to support and work with "ModisSwathTool"?

I mean, anyone had such problem before? If yes, what he/she did to solve that?

Any comments and helps are welcome.
