StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS North America HERE (formerly NAVTEQ) enhanced street dataset is now available. The dataset provides routing, geocoding, and high-quality cartographic display for countries in North America using ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS for Server. For 2015, all releases of StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS formerly under the NAVTEQ data provider name are now under the HERE data provider name.
This first release of North America data from HERE for 2015 now supports mapping, geocoding, and routing for Guam. Also, the dataset has over a million additional street features. See What’s new and Release notes for more information on this release.
Route with stops and barrier in Guam
You can learn about mapping, geocoding, and routing coverage for a specific country at StreetMap Premium product coverage.
This first release of North America data from HERE for 2015 now supports mapping, geocoding, and routing for Guam. Also, the dataset has over a million additional street features. See What’s new and Release notes for more information on this release.
Route with stops and barrier in Guam
You can learn about mapping, geocoding, and routing coverage for a specific country at StreetMap Premium product coverage.