ST_Intersect with ogr2ogr and Spatialite

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I am trying to intersect Spatialite datasets with ogr2ogr, the OGR Virtual Format and SQL Syntax. I can't seem to locate whether the error is in my SQL query or my VRT file.


rice_temperature.sqlite | Spatialite database containing 1 layer "rice_temp"

rice_elevation.sqlite | Spatialite database containing 1 layer "rice_elev"


rice_temperature.sqlite rice_elevation.sqlite

All in the same directory I am also executing ogr2ogr from.


ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" intersection.shp rice_vectors.vrt -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ST_Intersection(rice_temperature.geometry,rice_elevation.geometry) AS geometry FROM rice_temp,rice_elev" Errors

I tried a number of variations to the VRT file as well as to the SQL query itself. All errors are either no such table: rice temp or Cannot open datasource 'rice_elevation'

I have a feeling that I am close but can't wrap my head around what I am doing wrong - is it the SQL query or my use of OGRs Virtual Format?
