ST-Links convert Feature Class to DB Table error

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I'm using ArcMap with the ST-Links SpatialKit Conversion tool to convert a Feature Class to a DB Table. But I'm getting an error: ERROR: 42601: type modifier is not allowed for type "geometry".

I can't seem to find anything on that error.

Feature Class (shapefile)

Geometry Type : PolygonProjected Coordinate System : WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_21SProjection : Traverse_MercatorGeographic Coordinate System : GCS_WGS_1984DB

PostgreSQL 8.3Postgis 1.5Any ideas? I have other tables in the DB that were generated with Quantum GIS. I also can't open the other spacial tables on ArcMap correctly. In Quantum GIS I have no problems. But I need to work with ArcGIS.

