Software that converts from legal description text?

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
Is there software that takes legal description text as input for conversion to some computer friendly GIS format? For example:

Those portions of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter andthe Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5,T.13S., R.4E., S.B.B.&M., according to United States GovernmentSurvey approved February 24, 1876 described as follows:Beginning at a 1 1/2 inch iron pipe having coordinatesY = 329,169.63, X = 1,895,486.55, set for the center of saidSection 5, thence along the East line of said SouthwestQuarter, S.4°11'18"W., 24.65 feet; thence S.56°02'45"E.,...More specifically, open source software.
