So I've been assigned to clean up someone else's model.
Here's the situation. The model is supposed to iterate over a few hundred folders containing feature classes and convert the contents into shapefiles. The model fails if a directory of metadata called "/INFO" does not exist in the folder, so I need to write some python to check if it is there, and if it does not, then skip the current iteration and continue onto the next folder.
My problem is that with the way modelbuilder is set up, there is no way to skip an iteration within an iterator tool. Any ideas? I'm halfway thinking of just rewriting the whole tool in python.
Here's the situation. The model is supposed to iterate over a few hundred folders containing feature classes and convert the contents into shapefiles. The model fails if a directory of metadata called "/INFO" does not exist in the folder, so I need to write some python to check if it is there, and if it does not, then skip the current iteration and continue onto the next folder.
My problem is that with the way modelbuilder is set up, there is no way to skip an iteration within an iterator tool. Any ideas? I'm halfway thinking of just rewriting the whole tool in python.