I'm working with topoJSON and D3 to display Natural Earth data on a globe. Obviously, we need to simplify our geometries while still keeping borders consistent. We've created a script as based on Mbostock's Map Tutorial. Here's the link to our gist.
Once we run the script, it outputs all the countries as .json files.
However, when we load the USA, we encounter a problem. When we mouse over the USA, the entire globe is highlighted.
United States without mouse hover.
United states on mouse hover
Is there something in our script that would cause this? We need to simplify our geometries for performance purposes, and we need to preserve boarders. TopoJSON was the clear choice, but we could be calling it incorrectly.
Once we run the script, it outputs all the countries as .json files.
However, when we load the USA, we encounter a problem. When we mouse over the USA, the entire globe is highlighted.
United States without mouse hover.
United states on mouse hover
Is there something in our script that would cause this? We need to simplify our geometries for performance purposes, and we need to preserve boarders. TopoJSON was the clear choice, but we could be calling it incorrectly.