I have a personal GDB table that has a non-unique SLID field and a date field. Basically there are multiple records with the same SLID numbers but different dates. I want to select only the most recent records for each SLID number. I have tried this query statement in the Select by Attributes window:
[Date_] IN (SELECT MAX([Date_]) FROM table_name GROUP BY [SLID])This hasn't worked, because for some of the SLIDs, it selects multiple instances of the same SLID value, even if the dates are different. For instance, for SLID 27, the query selects both the instances from 5/28/2013 and from 12/12/2008. What am I doing wrong?
The SLID field is short integer format, and the Date_ field is date format.
[Date_] IN (SELECT MAX([Date_]) FROM table_name GROUP BY [SLID])This hasn't worked, because for some of the SLIDs, it selects multiple instances of the same SLID value, even if the dates are different. For instance, for SLID 27, the query selects both the instances from 5/28/2013 and from 12/12/2008. What am I doing wrong?
The SLID field is short integer format, and the Date_ field is date format.