Second order rectification display problems

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I'm using GRASS 7.0 to geo-rectify oblique images taken from a fixed altitude and using RTK-GPS data as a GCP (as a vector file) for the process. The survey area is very small and flat, so I'm not considering a DEM for the process. I'm using the Georectifier tool from GRASS 7.0, matching each RTK-GPS data point (EPSG:4258 - ETRS 89) with the corresponding pixel of the picture (column/row).I need to apply the second order rectification and when I do it, the result rectified raster is displayed with just "a corner" of the image (so the image incomplete) to be rectified and without the GCP overlapped.However, when I apply the 1st and 3rd order rectification process, it does appear the complete image rectified and with the GCP overlapped in place.

Any clue about why I'm not able to geo-rectify properly using the 2nd order rectification? Thanks

P.S.: Before the geo-rectifying process I did "group, target and region(XY)" steps
