Sea Level Rise Model - Raster - QGIS

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I see a lot of questions about this type of thing here on the stack exchange. However, I haven't found an answer that helps yet. I have a Digital Elevation Model (3 meter resolution) and I am trying to map estimated or projected sea level rise of a coastal county in Texas. I read an article of someone using a flood fill algorithm that I thought was interesting but it was not explained how it was done in the methodology. I am using QGIS so I don't have the awesome capabilities of ArcMap. More specifically in regards to my question, if I have a sea level rise of 1 meter, I would like all cells that are 1 (elevation value) to go down to zero and all cells above one be subtracted by 1. I would also need to incorporate MHHW into this which I have the value for as obtained from the NOAA datum tables. I'm guessing this value would be added to the estimated sea level rise (1 meter, 2 meter, etc.). Any other suggestions for the model would be greatly appreciated.
