Script for selective merging of multiple features

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I am kinda new to Python and arcpy and have done some basic online courses on this. So I do have an idea how these scripts are structured/written and how they work. Now I have to perform a seemingly complicated analysis for my master thesis which goes something like this - I have an excel file in matrix form of around 400 polygon features (municipalities). Each municipality has a relationship with others around it (no. of people commuting daily between the municipalities). I have to somehow make a script/model which merges each municipality with only that municipality (out of 400) which has the highest no. of commuters travelling towards it (not from it). This might make one municipality merge with multiple municipalities also which is fine. Anything like this has been done before? I'm thinking about the script and I can't think how I make this selective merge? And if each merge creates a shapefile then wont there be thousands of shapefiles created?
