Script error searching for tools in ArcGIS 10.2.1 search window

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
Until I tried installing Visual Studio 6.0 and Crystal Reports 8.5 last week, my ArcGIS was working perfectly. After the installation, however, every time I try to execute any search in the search window in ArcGIS 10.2.1 (both ArcMap and ArcCatalog), I get a script error with the message Object reference not set to instance of an object on Line 93.

Below is the function from the file which is causing the error described.

function DoSearch() { var st = document.getElementById("st_ID").value; if ((st == null) || (st.replace(/\s/g,"") == "") || (st.lenght == 0)) { if(GetContextCode(currentContextOnPage) != 6) $('#st_ID').unbind('keypress'); else { var autoCompStr = getAutoCompleteStrings(); $("#st_ID").autocompleteArray(autoCompStr.split('+'), { delay:10, minChars:1, matchSubset:1, autoFill:false, maxItemsToShow:15, width:0 }); } document.getElementById("st_ID").focus(); return; } var context = GetContextCode(currentContextOnPage); window.external.DoSearch(st, context); //