SARGIS6 West, June 19th - 22nd

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6th Annual Wildland Search and Rescue GIS Training & Workshop

Updated Agenda:

Webcast details

If you are presenting you will need to use the webcast below AND dial the number below. If you just want to listen in you can use just the conference audio.

Link: (sign-in as a Guest)

Phone: US (Toll Free): 1-866-398-2885
Passcode: 2699767579

Live Map of Saturday's Field Exercise featuring Collector for ArcGIS and DeLorme inReach.

View Larger Map

The purpose of the WiSAR training / workshop is to:
  • Introduce how Search and Rescue (SAR) and other public safety operations can benefit from GIS.
  • Introduce the MapSAR software (a free download).
  • Learn how GIS can help with planning and mapping within ICS operations.
  • Gather volunteers to share and discuss SAR strategies.
  • Highlight tactical SAR procedures/ data management.
  • Demonstrate cutting-edge GIS mapping tools that can be utilized by SAR personnel.
  • Help SAR organize and spatially categorize field data.
  • Continue to build and strengthen the SARGIS Community!

Who is Invited:

Experienced SAR instructors and volunteers, GIS specialists, National Ski Patrol, USFS, and NPS Rangers are all invited to this training seminar/workshop to learn how public safety can incorporate MapSAR geospatial technology into the public safety mission. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn first-hand from SAR members who have successfully used MapSAR in the field to complete their mission.

When: June 19-22nd, 2014 in Dunsmuir, CA

The first two days of the conference (June 19- 20) will be GIS training using MapSAR. Expert WiSAR personal from Esri alongside FireWhat GIS instructors will help facilitate this two day training course. Laptops and software will also be provided by Esri. Those attending this training must RSVP to hold their place and have some GIS knowledge. The WiSAR workshop on June 21-22 will be a time for volunteer SAR personnel to gather, share and discuss GIS technical strategies using MapSAR in the field.

While MapSAR is designed for the wildland environment, this training session is not limited to wildland responders. At the recent National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Northeast Summit, MapSAR was successfully taught to a wide mix of public safety officials - including urban SAR, structural fire, and law enforcement personnel.

Cost: $10

A suggested donation of $10 per attendee is requested for this four day event (Training/Workshop). All proceeds will go to the Friends of Mt. Shasta Avalanche Center and local Mt. Shasta Ski Patrol.

For more information or to reserve a seat:

If you are involved with SAR and would like to partake in this exciting event please contact Cassie Hansen, to reserve a seat for the MapSAR training/workshop.

Dunsmuir, CA
Enjoy this Map Tour and get an idea of what is there waiting for you. Access the full map here.

Sponsored by the Esri Disaster Response Program in partnership with

Find out who is registered below. Details on the SARGIS6 East will be released soon!
