Running the ogr2og utilities in a batch file. Problems with command project

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I have made a batch file containing a list of two commands. The first (-clipsrc) works properly, but the second not (-s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3857). Could anyone tell me where is the fail?.

This is the batch file:

cd /d c:\data\PhiladelphiaBaseLayersset ogr2ogrPath="c:\program files\QGIS Dufour\bin\ogr2ogr.exe"for %%X in (.shp) do %ogr2ogrPath% -skipfailures -clipsrc c:\data\PhiladelphiaBaseLayers\clipFeature\city_limits.shp c:\data\PhiladelphiaBaseLayers\clipped\%%X c:\data\PhiladelphiaBaseLayers\%%Xfor %%X in (.shp) do %ogr2ogrPath% -skipfailures -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3857 c:\data\PhiladelphiaBaseLayers\clippedAndProjected\%%X c:\data\PhiladelphiaBaseLayers\clipped\%%X

Many thanks!
