If you’re FedEx, UPS or DHL you have in place advanced routing system which allows you to manage, dispatch, route and monitor thousands of delivery tracks across the world. But if you’re a local entrepreneur with a small fleet of cars. you won’t invest in developing your own solution, you don’t have a lot of money and resources to spend on logistics software and an offer of small telematics companies is not really competitive.
Routific is trying to cover this gap. The company promises to optimize delivery routes better than anyone else on the market. Routific’s planning algorithm incorporates factors like time windows, vehicle types, visit types, load capacities, and traffic among others and allows fleets with multiple drivers, who needs to make multiple stops to save time and money.
Routific solution was first available via API, but recently the company is also trying to attract small businesses with the launch of a new web interface. There is no mobile app needed, just any smartphone connected to the internet.
Routific costs $39 per month per car but there are no contracts needed and you can test it for 15 days for free.
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